"suspire \suh-SPAHY-uhr\, verb: To utter with long, sighing breaths."

it hurts in the rain

rain falls on you

you on me

me, always missing just a few

few seconds when i think

think of lips sounding out

out of the dulled peace tones

tones of your mouth

mouth to mouth of mine

mine for the lost syllables i left behind

behind your hand

hand here, hand there,

there it was

was that all

all is not enough tonight

tonight i want more

lips walk in between
the doors ajar
the wind comes through
the cotton comes off
wind whispers through
soft cotton lips

just keep me warm
just keep me warm.

at the bar.

she looks tormented and monstrous
at the side of the photo, she sits screaming
her face is stout but stretched long with a sudden
opening of her mouth, an unnatural smile

(this photo is soundless)

her eyes are glaring in triangles of happiness
or rage
or today, they are the same thing, at the bar,
she screams for a drink of what he has
whatever he has in that cup that has made him
sitting next to her
so calm and still

but he's not that
and if she bothered to look at him she would see
his mouth's corner lifted into an uncomfortable spot
on his dull face a look of dismay and annoyance
this lady
she needs to sit down
and breathe.

feet (5.9-10.10)

my heels are always dirty from running around
in the grass
they won't wash off
in the sink

my feet are dirty
but my feet are not 
I, try
to wash them clean

i will let you become me

i will let you become me too

so long as
you let me live
so long as
you let me 
walk in dirt

do not 

let me sink in mud
rain, dust, spit, shit
blame me for these steps
feel the bit of gravel twist
bite on your skin

bruise easily?

has it squeezed through
your tough layer weak layer?
do not
keep running
(it is inside.)

(let it.)

loose (5.8.10)

each knot in your spine slides in place
throat taut like a rubber band about to break
stretched like the sound of his voice crying
to sleep

she tells me 
i feel calm but heavy
she tells me
there's no baby inside
there's calm but heavy
blank papers

we look better covered
with each other
you grew on me
with your fingers washing through my hair
your glide down my back
yours in my mouth
yours in mine
your cells dying as i held them
and there
yours in mine

in the asking stage


like last year, the way she loved me on the grass
in need of a cut
the mosquitoes will bite us
and you will not care
and i will scratch my own skin until
it breaks
and soon you will love me
the way i think i love you
i love you the way she thinks i do
and soon the sky will turn a deeper blue
until we call it black
for ease
and you're blue until i call you grey
until you call yourself grey
because blue is too beautiful
too heavy on your face
skin stretched
pulled into the space
pulled out from your flesh
i have you in my hand
your blue
your grey
colors of unloved words
colors of unloved skin.