this is no dark room.

i will bother you no more:
from your face
i let my gaze go,
from your shoulder
i let my hand slip

from today,
i will not be the rescuer:
the savior who bears until
everything drops,
the one who gives softness
while taking blind slaps

in the dark,
you will find yourself:
do not despair for fear
for your being,
let your feet fall
where they may

in the moments of uncertainty,
you will decide:
how to take the needles
you step into,
how to master one's reactions
against such unfair game

you alone,
and alone you will be:
be your savior
as you rescue yourself,
by opening your eyes
you will see:

this is no dark room.

lift your misleading lids:
you need no looking glass,
only time to adjust;
you need no help
beyond yourself

but lady,
be aware:
there are some things
you will not ever see;
eyes wide open
still cannot perceive

though here,
you are not alone:
we are all blind
in the end;
yet we try still
to leave this room.

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