a nap

i move over a little,
your head falls on my shoulder,
a snowflake on a windless day.
i say, what's wrong?
you say, everything.
i rest my head on yours.
i say, i love you.
i hear you breathe.
i lift my head,
look at your face,
beautifully sad.
i touch my lips to your brow,
to your nose.
i see a weak smile,
i spot some glitter at the corner
of your closed, wincing eyes,
and i kiss those eyes,
and my chapped lips
hurt and sting you and me a little.
i love you, don't you know,
don't you know...

someone taps me
on the shoulder you were resting on.
i look at the shape of a body 
standing before me,
i see two, or three...
you okay? it asks,
you're crying, you know.
you must have been having
quite some dream, it said,
and this couch is probably
not the best place to sleep.

i love you, do you know,
do you know...
thoughts of you
so heavy, i fall.
what do i do
when sleep finally comes,
and all it does
is remind me of you? 
don't be so cold,
can you...
leave me alone?
can i
let you?

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