week of injuries.

a fracture waiting
on a black plastic sheet
surrounded by cloudy bodies
of this and that and all
that you are, that i am,
whatever it will be
it is already
and has been 
since that trip and fall, 
and almostfalls.
nothing but a yes
or a no, God knows,
He does, but i,

nothing more than
a vein, burst
in an outlined circle,
first deep magenta
squeamish and faint,
then expired violet,
old and forgotten,
with its puncture
off-center, a dot
of missing flesh.

and, two bubbles,
cooked prematurely,
disgustingly rare and
well-done, sizzled,
that formed
under the run of 
cool water (anesthesia
for as long 
as i can hold it),
the elegant vomit of a
metallic machine,
humming, spitting...
these two bubbles
that i cannot burst,
unless festering reds 
replace this pinkwhite.

i was randomly selected,
among you and you and you.
God knows, but i...

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