i see spots.

i need more time, more air, i need your hands off of me, your touch on someone else, i need your words to be cruel and inconsiderate, i need you to turn yourself away, i need you to chew with your mouth open.

i need you to leave.

my door is not open, not for you, not for you and all that candied gilding your face your hands your warmth your words words words in my ear my mind my eyes your words on my eyes you look prettier with those words those words you said as you learned i am easily taken away with words words words false words copied words meaningless yet beautiful empty airy and heavily condescending who are you to say who are you to take who are you to pull me out of my corner.
take your hands off of me. take your lips out of my hair. take your breath out of my ear and your looks out of my eyes your promises out of my head your fingers off of my chest my heart my leg my heart my arm my heart my hand my heart.

they are mine, my mother gave them to me, to keep, to keep safely in their place, my mother told me to live, and i live i live i live for her.

you are shameless.
and i will face you with smiles.

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