prompt, 30 seconds, 5 minutes, or there about.

clarity is a rainbow soap bubble.

it was dark outside, but i knew i had to walk back. he didn't come pick me up like he said he would. i was playing the beatles' octopus' garden on my mp3 player. and it was cold. so i remembered, i had a container of bubbles with a dagger sticker on it. i fumbled through my bag, and found it. i unscrewed the top off, and glared to see if the luxurious film was on the round hole. it was. i smiled a little, despite the coldness blowing through my hair, and down my scarf, into my back. i blew a bubble. or attempted to. it popped, and reminded me of the broken window on the skyscraper in new york. or that shiny glass pane on the mccabe wall. for some reason, i didn't try a second time. i didn't know what to do anymore. the glamorous soapy liquid was spilling over, because i had tilted my hand without realizing it. my hand...i couldn't feel my hand. so i started walking home, because he wasn't coming to pick me up. i tripped, and was scared for a moment that i was falling off a cliff. good thing there was soft, but wet, grass to break my fall. fall. wasn't long ago that i thought i had fallen. in true love. but, of course, that was as bullshit as anything is on this world. the rainforest looks pretty, but it's dangerous. you could die in one. all the mysteries, all the unspoken darkness. like love. the mysteries of the world, like the pyramid. how some couples can walk around so happily like a fairy tale, how slaves made the pyramids, so heavy. like love. i didn't understand love, like i didn't understand aliens. just foreign. so foreign, it doesn't belong in my world. and freud and his psychology insanity would say that i am a failure, a broken person, incapable of love, stuck on my childhood and hurt by the way my father left me. afraid of water, afraid of deep water. he left me because i wouldn't go scuba diving with him. he loved the water. i feared it. i wasn't his girl, like the water was not my world.


and imagination
proving existence
and failing life,
breaking love,
forgetting you,
and fulfilling her.

future is to past
as past is to present
as you are to me
and i to him,
all blind but wanting,
all deaf but talking.

to hold on to a piece,
lost and found
(it does not belong),
after trying others
without success
i see that
it might
just fit
if i cut some off here
and paste it on
and elsewhere
or elsewhere.

i could make it fit.
that's what she said.

and this from a drunk man's lips

do. not.

to do
i told myself not
to do
i said it
more than once
more than
enough i thought

no so and such
may apply
in this case.

i am

as all things
so my words
and promise sank
and stoned
to death,
and what i believed
not possible
as all things
are possible.

because i said
and believed to
not believe
that certainty is not mine,
(i thought
a mere chance)
was probable.
so probable.

i stood strong
as a small shape,
and now heavily 
float on 
in the wrong
so very
so and such.


love this stranger.
freeze my arms,
by invisible hands.
play with my hair,
suck painful kisses.
my neck
a light bloody red.

feel the heavy shoulders
and drooping back.
feel the clenched teeth,
the tightened flesh.

so breathable it suffocates
so numbing it's comfortable,
the coldness calling for
a warmth of my own
constant, strong

chasing and following,
pressing, bruising,
it passes through me
like no one will.

not really.

when you reach over
and hook your hands in front
of me, and you wait
for my smile
as i count your heart,
its beats
knocking on my back,
smiling to see you
so at ease with me,
your chin on my shoulder,
your head tilting
as if you want to whisper
something new
to me and my hopeful ear,
i stopped short my breath
so i can feel yours on my neck
and hear your soft mumble near
so soon before i recognized
the mundane smell of your mouth,
its broken, drunken sounds.

delayed choices.

he wanted to take them
and i thought
it hurts
the needle
the tools
the sawing sounds
like a murder set loose
on my mouth.
all four.
that's four shots,
four times unbearable,
four wisdom teeth.

i lied.
but it doesn't really matter
who i slept with that night
because you weren't there.
you know i need warmth
when the comforter's cold,
when the heater's broken
because you didn't pay the bill
for the last three months.
you can't lecture me,
because you promised
no loneliness,
no cold nights,
and no overdue wants.
truth is,
our bed was empty last night.
and it's all yours from now on.

what the hell do you know?
why do you want me there
anyway, when you can have
anyone you want,
anytime you'd like?
you should know
that some people
like your climate down there
more than i do.
i'm not really into all that...
pain and screams and punishment.
in the end,
i'm just not really sure
if i have a soul to give.

dye your hair
and dye your skin
and dye your lips
and then your cheeks.
dye your eyes
dye your nails
dye your shirts
with wild wild shades.
you didn't want to be white.
you didn't want to be black.
you didn't want to be a boring tone.
so congratulations,
you happily dye with surface perfection.

i look forward to that day
when it rains
and it's gray and
everyone is standing
around me
while i lie there
on a soft, moist bed.
it will flood,
and it will cry
with dark streaks
like mascara tears,
down into my bed,
into my clothes.
and i will provide 
to all the little creatures,
give myself
i will disappear.
i look forward to that day
when my bones
are all that remain. 

a detail
you couldn't have seen
when i dropped my keys
and lost my wallet.
a photograph
flew out
against the wind that pushed,
and continued to float
and flip
and turn
in the air.
i found my keys
and my wallet
four hours later.
but your face,
a minor detail,
you couldn't have seen.


pulling a stunt

is talking to you

when you don't say hi.

never know how much

i will hurt afterwards

if you brush me off

and i crash somewhere

off to the side.

which is why

i'd much rather

see you pull one.


second try.

like any other punctuation


it ends

and begins

cutting in and out

of all the other words


it interrupts

like me

when i have something

i really need to say

but you don't let me

you raise your voice

until i silence my sounds

and wait

for you-

then i stay quiet,

because i waited

and my words



i hushed,

because you were falling asleep.

and i kept thinking


is when you will go

and then

all i can do is look at pictures.

in the morning

i woke to the sound of your alarm,

and decided not to watch you.

i chose to stay

and forget

and drift

and maybe,

by the second half of morning

you will be gone.


(9) 2-minutes.

that cookie
wasn't just any cookie
had a note in it 

that you didn't read.

and that cookie,

you didn't eat.


i ate it.

and i read the note.

and what was yours

belongs to me.

it was good,

it was superficial,

generic and expected.

like our friendship,

our relationship,

or whatever

people think it is.

or whatever 

i dream it to be.


the red

the green

the yellow

you had your pick.

i picked them all.

i picked the red,

which wasn't deep enough,

and the green

which was too dark,

and the yellow,

not so creamy,

not so calm.

i bought them,

looked at them,

and let them roll.

i didn't want passion

when it's weak.

i didn't want envy

that made me a bitch.

not yellow either,

i'm not bland.


that movie,

what was that bullshit?

i can't believe i spent 

an hour and a quarter

of my money on that.


kind of like you.

that person


who was that fucker?

i can't believe i spent

a month and a week

of my time on him.


kind of like me.

that month


when was that sadness?

i can't believe i spent

all of myself

on my imagination,

on dreams that were 

so terribly fake.




to lay my head on

when i leave you.



so i can sleep

at night.



that can fit 

in my pocket.





a piece of spearmint gum.

a word in my ear.



you can have 12 wives.

you can have 11, or 13.

i don't want to be a wife.

i want to be a lover.

i want to be in the bed,

and i want to see the man



and hide me somewhere.

as if i'm invisible.

i want to see him



so scared.

i want him to love me


my lover,



i think we can do it

if you want to.

on one knee,

or on top of a tower,

or during dinner

among the candles,

or under the stars,

or in bed.

we can do it,

if you want to.

we can do anything

you want to do,

because i never cared

for such things.

i never cared for

such things,

like you,

like love,

like time,

or sex.


didn't want you to tell everyone.

and now that you have,

it's going to disappear

under all that attention.

i told you not to,

and you insisted.

publicize it,

make everyone

believe it,

so that i can't say,

no, that's not what i meant.

this time, you're wrong,

like you mostly are,

because it's going to fade,

and no one will care.




a secret--

i love secrets,

and i told you,

i love secrets.

so you came closer,

and moved your mouth close

and your lips parted,

and i wanted words,

but you

breathed out

in my ear.

just like he did.

and i remembered,

this is what he did. 

that night.


a point

on the water,

i was swimming,

not in the water,

because i'm afraid.

and it was cold,

and my lips turned blue,

and i got sick,

and drank ginger soup.

on the water,

i was floating,

not really in the water,

because i couldn't breathe.

i focused on you,

beside me,


in a different place.

and thought,

if i chose

to risk it all

would you still be beside me


will i be

in water

all the way



and never

