
always a bit scared,
of things gone wrong,
of goodness spent,
or maybe
it's because everything
disappears when i say,
stay, stay,
i don't want to be here
by myself...

i like the rain,
sometimes i wish
it could keep pouring down,
so no one would go outside,
and i would feel safe
and warm and dry,
inside, settled in my spot
with a blanket,
with music playing,
or with friends talking,
with people walking by
while the water's running
down the windowpanes.
if i feel lonely,
i'd go out and feel
what it's like to be soaked,
and i'd realize that the way
my neck and shoulders shiver
is a sign of my inside
trying to escape,
to float away,
but i tell it, no, no,
you have to stay, stay,
i can't be here alone,
not on a starless rainy night.

and i wait,
for the time when 
it all rushes to my head,
as i hang upside down 
from my bed,
my hair touching the floor,
and i close my eyes
wondering what would happen
if things got erased then and there.
no happy memories to recall,
no sadness to frown upon,
wouldn't that be wonderful?

i burned my hand yesterday,
and remembered why i stayed away
from the kitchen for so long.
i ran my hand under cold water,
but it wasn't icy enough.
i still felt it drilling,
the burn was digging 
from inside my finger,
trying to find a way out.
i shook my hand vigorously,
cursed thrice and wanted 
to flick the pain away.

then my computer died,
and i couldn't even make
the music stay with me
for a little while longer,
and you went too
when the screen darkened.

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