late spring.

mother let go
and let me fall
the way i should've
thirteen years ago

you did not know
youth is most clement
from glass shards
to a broken toe

when a mistake makes
not a man or woman
but only a shadow
who never wakes

the lightness
of being able to fall
then float
above it all

you put your hands
around my head
hoping my lips
won't kiss the land

so i walk
half blinded half deaf
safe from the ticking
of an aging clock

guided by
the mistaken shapes
that barely reach
your dimming eyes

you frown too much
at all the world
and forbid me
to learn by touch

my skin has not tasted
the burn of the sun
the bite of concrete
the meaning of "wasted"

you cannot see
my face so pale and hands too soft
my tongue afraid of sweet
hot coffee and tea

mother let go
before your last fall
or i might never
be above below.

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