broken window.

(you shattered me)
draft of careless air,
in it comes
(in you come)
soft invasion,
sad scenes,
fluttering magazines
(fluttering heart)
flowing curtains,
shards of glass,
(cut by love)
withering plants wish
days of sunny warmth
(i can't breathe)
come forth...
empty room
empty bed
empty seats
empty cups
(empty longing)
one glance,
to take it all
(take you with me)
one more time
before i walk and leave,
(memories i can't keep)
wade through air so deep...
(but if you belong with me...)
close the door
turn the lock
go with no cares.
(heart, move elsewhere)
but the keys
(please please)
in my hand
refuse to let go
and if to this persistence
should i say no
one knows
there'd be more woes.
(don't go, go, go)

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