
let's talk.
i feel like a child
when i see people
hugging each other.
let's talk.
i feel alone,
out of the picture,
trying to follow
but never quite there.
let's talk.
i want to go
with you
wherever that might be.
let's talk.
i want you to listen
to me and my words
to my breathing.
let's talk.
i want you to guess
everything i haven't said,
hiding, waiting, waiting...
let's talk
about me
about you
and her,
how she can make your soul
i'll listen,
and let you talk
about how lovely it is
to be the one for her,
how you can't imagine
a time she isn't in.
you say, gently
she boggles your mind
dances with your heart
kisses your nose and lips.
i say,
i say...
i smile,
your words make me smile.
let's talk,
about happiness,
and how she makes you
so so happy.

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