on top

without any additions.
pick a nice one,
plain and crunchy soft.
cinnamon raisin,
whole grain
subtly sweet,
simple satisfaction guaranteed.
should you be allured
by the cream cheese,
butters and jam selection,
be careful what you choose.
don't they look delicious,
you say to yourself-
how nice that would look
on top of my toasted everything!
but there are so many,
which would you pick?
i'm slightly scared
you'd want to try them all.
will you decide on
the one that you'd never tire of,
the one whose taste
makes your mouth want more,
your mind sighing
(what for, what for?)
your heart content
it will never be a bore?

(is the one on your mind the one
that is already in my hand?)

1 comment:

Tramp said...

I want a bagel now.